coding to a better future

This quarter has been a season of growth and discovery, especially knowing the power of perseverance and flexibility. I have advanced my studies, acquiring new concepts and gaining a deeper understanding of science and medical procedures as I inch closer to my objective of being a physician. Besides studying, I was able to separate work life from my personal life and so remain concentrated and motivated. While reading interesting blogs also broadened my perspective while making it easier for me to synthesize and utilize information in the right manner.

That said, it wasn't all smooth sailing. Trying to mix academic demands with extra-curricular activities was not easy and there were also periods of task overload which made self-esteem to be questionable. Technical issues while in the online sessions were a nightmare adding on to the pressure and the all too familiar never having enough hours a day to firstly, finish online sessions then start on course work and even study for examinations.

To solve these problems effectively, I employed appropriate self-management strategies through proper organization of time which prevented wastage. I also communicated with my teachers, my classmates and my family who were quite supportive which gave me the zeal to continue working. Unexpected delays as a result of variables, such as a loss of some technical resources and bandwidth, taught me to be patient and cope with uncertainty.

As I move along, I will continue taking challenges as opportunities to make myself better. I'll prioritize self-care but ensure I achieve or work towards meeting my targets while maintaining a balance of both education and personal growth. My focus is on ability improvement and consistency in seeking excellence; I see each encounter as a step building towards the advancement of my career.

As I move forward, I will continue to embrace challenges as opportunities to develop myself. I will take care of myself while ensuring that I am meeting or striving for my goals in the areas of education and self-improvement. I will focus on developing my skills and keeping focused on the pursuit of excellence by seeing every encounter as a step on the path toward career advancement.


No title. (n.d.). Goo.Gl. Retrieved December 14, 2024, from


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Nice blog! Next time, proper citations will make your blog more credible.

  3. I'm glad to know that throughout the second quarter , you gained a lot of knowledge regarding HTML tags. Keep going!

  4. It's nice that you've learned a lot this quarter


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