Shaping a Brighter, More Promising Future—Starting Today

       In the past few years, it has become clear that there is a growing demand for inclusiveness. Ensuring a cohesive society, which preserves and embraces the diversity of its members and guarantees them equal possibilities, is not only ethically clearer in contemporary social relations. Inclusive means the respect for differences within an individual irrespective of the race, gender, religion, or class of the individual. This is of great advantage to everyone for when everyone is appreciated and respected, richer sources of thoughts and views are welcome for new inventions and advancements in society.

          This means it is fundamental to seek targets to achieve inclusion and most importantly, with such measures being put in place, a change in the culture and attitudes towards equality of all is essential. It calls for deliberate actions and strategies in the different aspects of life such as education, employment, and health care. For example, schools should make sure that the content taught is not lopsided and one culture only provided, but teach globalized and tolerant compassion so that the students relate outward. Equally, workplaces should not remain discriminatory in the recruitment and employment of the workers but should provide conditions m whereby promotional opportunities for the minorities in employees will be encouraged. Health care systems also need to be constructed with everyone in mind especially the minorities who are usually left out.

       In the end, we cannot create a more inclusive society unless every individual and group takes an active part in the processes. This requires a change of attitude whereby inclusiveness is not an optional extra, but a guiding principle in every sphere of existence. It entails eradicating discrimination, supporting laws that advance equity, and advocating programs that unite people in working toward inclusiveness. In this way, we establish a community where every single person is given a chance to flourish and work towards a fairer tomorrow for everyone.


  1. Hi Josh, i read your blog. I was able to know you more about yourself.. Goodluck and keep it up!!


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